Discover the answers to the top Los Angeles mediation questions and mediation FAQs.

How Mediation Works in Los Angeles: Frequently Asked Questions

When faced with a legal dispute in Los Angeles, many individuals and businesses are turning to mediation as an alternative to traditional litigation. Mediation offers a more collaborative, cost-effective, and time-efficient approach to resolving conflicts. At Resolve Wannon, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to answer the most frequently asked Los Angeles mediation questions and mediation FAQs, helping you gain a better understanding of mediation.

What is Mediation and How Can It Benefit You?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, assists disputing parties in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution.

The mediator’s role is to facilitate productive conversations and help parties identify their underlying interests and concerns, allowing them to maintain control over the outcome of their dispute.

Mediation has gained significant popularity in Los Angeles and throughout California due to its numerous benefits. Unlike litigation, which can be adversarial and emotionally draining, mediation emphasizes open communication and problem-solving. Additionally, mediation is typically less expensive and faster than going to court, making it an attractive option for those seeking to resolve their disputes efficiently.

How Much Does a Mediator Cost in Los Angeles?

The cost of mediation depends on several factors, including the mediator’s experience, the complexity of the case, and the duration of the mediation process.

At Resolve Wannon, our mediators offer competitive rates and flexible fee structures to ensure that mediation is accessible to a wide range of clients.

Contact us at 310-592-4359 to discuss your specific needs and receive a personalized quote.

Is Mediation Free in California?

While mediation is not typically free in California, Resolve Wannon is committed to providing affordable mediation services to our clients. We believe that everyone should have access to effective dispute resolution, regardless of their financial situation. If cost is a concern for you, please contact us at 310-592-4359 to explore your options and discuss potential solutions.

What is a Mediator’s Role in California?

In California, a mediator is a neutral third party who facilitates communication between disputing parties to help them reach a mutually acceptable resolution. Mediators are trained professionals who possess the skills and knowledge necessary to guide parties through the mediation process effectively.

Under California Evidence Code Section 1115(a), a mediator is defined as “a neutral person who conducts a mediation.” This definition emphasizes the mediator’s impartiality and highlights their role in facilitating the mediation process. At Resolve Wannon, our experienced mediators are dedicated to maintaining neutrality and helping parties find common ground.

Is Mediation Legally Binding in California?

In California, mediation itself is not legally binding. However, if the parties reach an agreement during mediation and sign a written settlement agreement that meets the requirements outlined in California Evidence Code Section 1123, that agreement can become legally binding and enforceable. At Resolve Wannon, our mediators are skilled in drafting settlement agreements that comply with California law, ensuring that your mediated agreement is legally sound.

How Long Does Mediation Typically Take in Los Angeles?

The duration of mediation in Los Angeles can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case and the willingness of the parties to negotiate. Simple disputes may be resolved in a single session lasting a few hours, while more complex cases might require multiple sessions over several weeks or months.

At Resolve Wannon, our experienced mediators work diligently to help parties reach resolutions as efficiently as possible while ensuring that all relevant issues are thoroughly addressed. We also offer virtual mediation services to accommodate parties who may have scheduling or geographic constraints.

What Types of Disputes Can Be Mediated in Los Angeles?

Mediation can be used to resolve a wide variety of disputes in Los Angeles, including:

  • Business disputes
  • Landlord-tenant disputes
  • Small claims disputes
  • Divorces, including parenting plans and spousal support
  • Child custody and child support disputes
  • Other family law disputes
  • Contract disputes
  • Employment disputes
  • Real estate disputes

At Resolve Wannon, our mediators have extensive experience handling a broad range of disputes and are well-equipped to assist you in resolving your specific conflict.

How Do I Prepare for Mediation in Los Angeles?

To prepare for mediation in Los Angeles, it’s important to gather all relevant information and documents related to your case. This may include contracts, correspondence, financial records, and any other materials that support your position.

It’s also helpful to consider your goals for the mediation and what you hope to achieve. Be prepared to discuss your case and listen to the other party’s perspective. At Resolve Wannon, our mediators will work with you to ensure that you are well-prepared for your mediation session and have a clear understanding of mediation.

What Happens During the Mediation Process in Los Angeles?

The mediation process in Los Angeles typically involves the following steps:

  1. Introduction: The mediator explains the process and establishes ground rules.
  2. Opening statements: Each party presents their perspective on the dispute.
  3. Joint discussion: The mediator facilitates a conversation between the parties to identify key issues and interests.
  4. Private caucuses: The mediator may meet separately with each party to discuss confidential matters and explore potential solutions.
  5. Negotiation: With the help of the mediator, parties work together to develop and refine potential agreements.
  6. Closure: If an agreement is reached, the mediator helps the parties document the agreement in writing. If no agreement is reached, the mediator may help parties identify the next steps.

At Resolve Wannon, our mediators are skilled in guiding parties through each step of the mediation process, creating a safe and productive environment for resolving disputes.

How Can I Find a Reliable Mediator in Los Angeles?

When searching for a reliable mediator in Los Angeles, look no further than Resolve Wannon. Our team of experienced mediators is dedicated to providing exceptional mediation services to help parties resolve their disputes and move forward. We carefully match each case with the mediator best suited to handle the specific issues and dynamics involved, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality of service.

To learn more about our mediators and how we can assist you with your dispute, please contact us at 310-592-4359. We’ll be happy to answer your Los Angeles mediation questions and mediation FAQs, providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision about mediation.


Mediation offers a valuable alternative to traditional litigation for resolving disputes in Los Angeles. By understanding mediation, including the process, costs, and benefits, both employers and employees can make informed decisions about whether this approach is suitable for their specific situation. At Resolve Wannon, we are dedicated to providing exceptional mediation services to help parties resolve their disputes and move forward. If you’re considering mediation in Los Angeles, we invite you to contact us at 310-592-4359 to learn more about how we can help. Together, we can work towards finding a resolution that meets your needs and helps you move forward with confidence.