Finding the Right Sexual Harassment Mediator in California: A Complete Guide

California Sexual Harassment Mediation: Finding the Right Mediator

Navigating a sexual harassment case can be a daunting and emotionally challenging experience for both employers and employees. In California, mediation has become an increasingly popular method for resolving these sensitive disputes outside of the courtroom. Choosing the right mediator is crucial to ensuring a fair, efficient, and successful mediation process. This comprehensive guide will provide you with the information and resources needed to find the ideal sexual harassment mediator in California.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Mediator

The mediator plays a critical role in facilitating communication, promoting understanding, and helping parties reach a mutually agreeable resolution. When selecting a mediator for your sexual harassment case, consider the following factors:

  • Neutrality: The mediator should be impartial and unbiased, ensuring that both parties feel heard and respected throughout the process.
  • Experience: Look for a mediator with specific experience handling sexual harassment cases and a deep understanding of California’s employment laws, such as the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA).
  • Communication Skills: A skilled mediator should possess excellent active listening abilities and be able to effectively guide discussions, even during emotionally charged moments.
  • Confidentiality: Ensuring that the mediation process remains confidential is paramount. Verify that the mediator adheres to strict confidentiality standards as required by California law.

At Resolve Wannon, our experienced mediators embody these essential qualities, providing a neutral and supportive environment for resolving sexual harassment disputes.

Choosing a Sexual Harassment Mediator

When choosing a sexual harassment mediator, it is essential to consider the following factors:

  1. Expertise: Look for a mediator with extensive experience in handling sexual harassment cases. They should have a deep understanding of the relevant laws, such as the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), and be well-versed in the dynamics of sexual harassment disputes.
  2. Impartiality: The mediator must maintain a neutral stance throughout the process, ensuring that both parties feel heard and respected. They should not have any prior relationships or conflicts of interest with either party.
  3. Communication Skills: A skilled mediator should possess excellent active listening abilities and be able to facilitate productive conversations, even during emotionally charged moments. They should be able to reframe issues and help parties find common ground.
  4. Approach to Mediation: Inquire about the mediator’s style and approach to mediation. Some mediators take a more facilitative role, focusing on promoting dialogue and understanding, while others may be more evaluative, offering opinions and recommendations based on their expertise.
  5. Confidentiality: Ensuring the confidentiality of the mediation process is crucial. Verify that the mediator adheres to strict confidentiality standards as required by California Evidence Code 1115-1129, which protects mediation communications with limited exceptions.
  6. Availability and Flexibility: Consider the mediator’s availability and willingness to accommodate scheduling needs, as mediation sessions may require multiple meetings.

At Resolve Wannon, our team of experienced mediators possesses the necessary expertise, impartiality, and communication skills to effectively guide parties through the sexual harassment mediation process. We prioritize confidentiality and offer flexible scheduling options to meet the needs of our clients.

Evaluating Potential Mediators

What qualities should I look for in a mediator?

When evaluating potential mediators, consider the following qualities:

  • Specialized Training: Many mediators have completed specialized training in handling sexual harassment cases. 
  • Approach to Mediation: Inquire about the mediator’s style and approach. Some mediators take a more facilitative role, while others may be more evaluative or directive.
  • Availability and Flexibility: Consider the mediator’s availability and willingness to accommodate scheduling needs, as mediation sessions may require multiple meetings.
  • References and Reviews: Ask for references from past clients or attorneys who have worked with the mediator. Online reviews can also provide valuable insights into a mediator’s effectiveness and professionalism.

Legal Considerations in California

California has robust laws protecting employees from sexual harassment, including:

  • FEHA: The Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibits sexual harassment and requires employers to take reasonable steps to prevent and promptly correct harassing conduct.
  • Confidentiality: California law, specifically Evidence Code 1115-1129, protects the confidentiality of mediation communications, with limited exceptions, to encourage open and honest dialogue.
  • Settlement Agreements: Recent changes to California law, such as SB 820, restrict the use of non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment settlements, prioritizing transparency and public accountability.

If you’re dealing with discrimination in the workplace or housing, it’s essential to understand how the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) protects you. This law provides comprehensive protections against discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, and more. Click here to learn how FEHA may apply to your case and the benefits of mediation in resolving such disputes.

Preparing for Mediation

To ensure a productive mediation process, both parties should:

  1. Compile relevant documentation, including complaints, witness statements, and company policies.
  2. Identify key issues and desired outcomes.
  3. Approach the mediation with an open mind and a willingness to listen and compromise.
  4. Consider engaging legal counsel to advise and support you throughout the process.

The Mediation Process

A typical sexual harassment mediation in California may include the following stages:

  1. Opening Statements: The mediator will explain the process and establish ground rules. Each party will have an opportunity to present their perspective.
  2. Joint Sessions: The mediator will facilitate discussions between the parties to identify issues, clarify misunderstandings, and explore potential solutions.
  3. Private Caucuses: The mediator may meet separately with each party to discuss sensitive matters or explore settlement options confidentially.
  4. Negotiation: With the mediator’s guidance, parties will work towards reaching a mutually acceptable agreement.
  5. Closure: If a resolution is reached, the terms will be documented in a written settlement agreement. If no agreement is reached, the mediator may provide additional resources or recommend the next steps.

At Resolve Wannon, our skilled mediators guide parties through each stage of the mediation process, fostering a collaborative environment that promotes understanding and resolution.


Finding the right sexual harassment mediator in California requires careful consideration and due diligence. By understanding the qualities to look for in a mediator, utilizing professional resources and directories, and preparing thoroughly for the mediation process, both employers and employees can work towards achieving a fair and satisfactory resolution. Remember, a successful mediation can save time, money, and the emotional toll of lengthy litigation while providing a confidential and collaborative environment for addressing sensitive issues.

If you are seeking an experienced and compassionate mediator for your sexual harassment case in California, contact Resolve Wannon at 310-592-4359. Our team is dedicated to helping parties navigate the complexities of sexual harassment disputes and reach mutually beneficial resolutions.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Sexual Harassment Mediation

How long does the sexual harassment mediation process usually take?

The length of mediation depends on factors such as the complexity of the case, the willingness of parties to negotiate, and the availability of participants. Most sexual harassment mediations in California are completed within one to three sessions, with each session lasting several hours.

Is the outcome of sexual harassment mediation legally binding?

While the mediation process itself is not legally binding, any settlement agreement reached during mediation can be drafted as a legally enforceable contract. It is essential to have the agreement reviewed by legal counsel before signing.

Can I bring a support person or attorney to the mediation?

Yes, parties are generally permitted to bring a support person or attorney to the mediation. However, it is important to discuss this with the mediator in advance to ensure that all parties are comfortable with the presence of additional individuals.