Preparing Clients for Real Estate Mediation: A Guide for California Attorneys

Essential Steps for Preparing Clients for Real Estate Mediation

As a California attorney, effectively preparing clients for real estate mediation is crucial to achieving favorable outcomes and avoiding costly litigation.

This comprehensive guide provides real estate attorney mediation strategies and best practices to help you guide clients through the California real estate mediation process, which is often required by the California Association of REALTORS® Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA) before filing a lawsuit or arbitration claim.

Understanding California Real Estate Mediation

California real estate mediation is a confidential process where a neutral third party facilitates communication between disputing parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator does not make decisions or impose sanctions. Settlement terms reached and agreed to by the parties during the mediation become binding only when and if the parties sign a written settlement agreement.

Key Legal Framework

Preparing Clients for Mediation

Preparing clients for mediation involves educating them on the process, gathering key documents, clarifying goals, strategizing, and selecting an experienced mediator. Some real estate mediation best practices include:

1. Educate Clients on the Process

Explain that mediation is voluntary, confidential, and non-binding, per Evidence Code Section 1115. Any party can withdraw, and the mediator cannot impose a decision. Settlements only become binding if put in a signed writing.

2. Gather Relevant Documents

Have clients compile all pertinent documents, including contracts, correspondence, disclosures, and invoices. Thorough review of these materials is essential for productive mediation.

3. Identify Key Issues and Goals

Work with clients to pinpoint the main disputes and clarify their objectives. This keeps the mediation focused and ensures all concerns are addressed. Have clients consider best and worst-case scenarios.

4. Develop a Negotiation Strategy

Collaborate with clients on a negotiation plan, identifying areas of potential compromise while prioritizing key goals. Prepare clients to navigate the discussions effectively. Real estate attorney mediation strategies should include anticipating counter-arguments and planning responses.

5. Select the Right Mediator

Choosing a qualified, experienced mediator is critical. The C.A.R. Real Estate Mediation Center for Consumers provides a panel of trained mediators specializing in real estate disputes. At Resolve Wannon, our mediators have extensive real estate expertise to guide you through the process.

Best Practices During Mediation

Real estate mediation best practices during the session include:

1. Encourage Open Communication

Advise clients to engage in honest, good-faith dialogue during the session. Open communication builds trust and facilitates productive negotiation.

2. Remain Focused Yet Flexible

While keeping clients focused on their key objectives, encourage flexibility in considering creative solutions. Willingness to compromise often leads to successful resolutions.

3. Utilize Legal Representation

Though not required, having an attorney present during mediation is highly beneficial to advocate for the client’s interests and ensure any agreement is legally sound. At Resolve Wannon, our experienced mediators can provide valuable guidance throughout the process.

If Mediation is Unsuccessful

If no agreement is reached, inform clients of their options, such as proceeding to arbitration or litigation. Make sure they understand the implications, including the inability to recover attorney fees if they refuse a pre-litigation mediation request, per the RPA.

Expanding on Key Points

To further elaborate on preparing clients for real estate mediation in California, consider the following:

Statistics and Data: According to the California Association of REALTORS®, mediation is a highly effective dispute resolution method, with a success rate of approximately 80%. This high success rate underscores the importance of thorough client preparation and strategic approach to the mediation process.

Historical Context: The inclusion of mediation clauses in real estate contracts, such as the RPA, has evolved over time in response to the growing recognition of mediation’s benefits. By understanding the historical context and rationale behind these clauses, attorneys can better convey the importance of mediation to their clients and set appropriate expectations.

Anecdotal Evidence: Drawing from personal experiences or case studies can help illustrate the potential outcomes of real estate mediation. For example, sharing a success story where a well-prepared client achieved a favorable settlement through mediation can boost the client’s confidence and motivation to engage fully in the process.

Addressing Counterarguments: Anticipate and address potential objections clients may have to mediation, such as concerns about the time and cost involved or skepticism about the mediator’s neutrality. By proactively addressing these counterarguments, attorneys can help clients approach mediation with a more open and constructive mindset.

Common Questions About Real Estate Disputes and Mediation

Q: Is mediation required for real estate disputes?

Yes, if the parties signed a C.A.R. RPA, which mandates mediation before arbitration or court action.

Q: Are mediation communications confidential?

Yes, mediation communications have confidentiality protections under Evidence Code Sections 1115-1128.

Q: How long does the mediation process take?

It varies based on the dispute’s complexity, but mediators must make reasonable efforts to advance the process timely per California Rules of Court, Rule 3.857.

Q: Can a mediator make binding decisions?

No, mediators cannot impose settlements. Agreements only become binding if signed by the parties.


Preparing clients for California real estate mediation requires educating them on the process, gathering key documents, clarifying goals, strategizing, and selecting an experienced mediator.

By guiding clients through these steps using real estate attorney mediation strategies and real estate mediation best practices, California attorneys can help their clients effectively navigate mediation and reach favorable resolutions while avoiding the expense and uncertainty of litigation. For expert assistance with California real estate mediation, contact Resolve Wannon at 3105924359. Our skilled mediators are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcomes for your clients’ real estate disputes.